Dawn of a Legend by Stephen Brown

Dawn of a Legend by Stephen Brown features de Havilland Mosquitos of 105 Squadron over Norfolk.
In what became a familiar sight over East Anglia during World War II, RAF de Havilland Mosquitos head out at low level towards the North Sea. These aircraft are Mosquito B. Mk IVs of No 2 Group, 105 Squadron operating from Horsham St. Faith in the summer of 1942.

100 Limited Edition - one pilot signature
25 Artist Proofs - one pilot signature - SOLD OUT
15 Remarques - one pilot signature  - SOLD OUT
10 Double Remarques - one pilot signature - SOLD OUT
15 Exhibition Proofs - signed by the artist only

The Exhibition Proofs are signed by the artist only, the Limited Edition prints, Artist Proofs and Remarques are signed by the artist and countersigned by distinguished Mosquito pilot:
Flight Lieutenant Geoffrey Derry Perks, DFC.

Limited Edition prints on sale offer - normal price £95.

Exhibition Proofs - a special deluxe larger size version of this image. Using the latest reproduction processes that enable the subtle colours, tones and details of the original painting to be recreated with far greater accuracy than the traditional lithographic process. Each is painstakingly hand-drawn from a special printer onto the highest quality imported rag paper under the direct supervision of the artist. The Exhibition Proofs are larger in size than the regular edition. and they are signed by the artist only.


Stephen Brown


28 x 14 inches overall including borders. Exhibition Proofs 37 x 17 inches overall, image 30 x 10 inches.

£0.00 £35.00
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